Benefits of a Smart Home Platform to Energy Providers
May 15, 2020 | WHITE PAPERS
As new-age technologies re-shape businesses, utility players have developed applications that give customers control over their energy usage by enabling the monthly monitoring of energy, providing digital billing services and real-time outage alerts. Apart from developing products that are designed to offer customers an enhanced experience, utility companies are embracing Artificial Intelligence (AI), Automation, Analytics and Internet of Things (IoT) to stay competitive in a disruptive landscape.
Right at the center of this digital transformation is the growing importance of customer experience. A seamless customer experience has now become a differentiator for utilities, especially as legislative powers are looking to empower consumers to be able to switch their energy service providers easily, essentially consumers will be spoilt for choice. Additionally, customers demand convenience, savings, greater control and simplicity; precisely the kind of experiences they enjoy in their retail dealings. In response to new customer demands, the road ahead will require utility companies to integrate devices and services onto a unified smart platform to deliver personalized and data-driven connected experiences.