Adding sensors inside a home has been exciting, but not smart enough. Smart homes for the future are all about connectivity and interaction. Future-ready smart homes extend connectivity and interactions outside the home periphery. Forward looking smart home users carry these interactions outside their houseā€”at grocery stores, inside moving vehicles, away at a vacation spot too. 

Wearables, VR glasses, car OBD, drones with cameras, and apps on a mobile phone carry these instances of interaction at high-speed and beyond geographic limits. For seamless interactions, such networks rely on high bandwidth and computing power. 

Cloud is not enough for the future.

The traditional client-server cloud architecture slows down these interactions and limits connectivity. It is not designed to handle high bandwidth communication at low cost. As a service provider, you would have to expend proportionate working capital on cloud storage. The increased expenditure does not provide any additional revenue on the existing subscriber base. 

That cannot support you to deliver communication for future-ready homes. 

Your existing subscriber base is a gold mine.

The existing architecture cannot support your business model. To increase ARPU, you need to navigate your strategy and leverage the power of 5G and edge computing. Being on-the-edge means that devices use their own existing computing power and connectivity to communicate and deliver. The trick is in adopting a decentralized communication architecture. 

Decentralized communication enables low latency, real-time communication with data privacy and security. COCO is built on a decentralized architecture. Networks created using COCO are referred to as COCONets. 

A COCONet organizes the app and device nodes into an overlay network and clusters them into a mesh topology. This makes it possible for a car OBD to relay its diagnostic data about temperature, fuel usage, speed, threats and so on to someone away, via an app. It could also indicate routes travelled, halts through a map app and the driverā€™s vitals via the wearable device. The possibilities of a network of drones as delivery agents and using a network of VR and AR to transfer remote experiences can all become a reality over a COCONet.

Using a Mesh Topology architecture inherently implies that there are no central points of failure. Thatā€™s because there is no central server storing all the data generated in the network. This makes it near impossible for data breaches and data theft attempts. Networks built on this architecture are resilient to disruptions like public internet outages and node malfunctions, as it inherently provides more than one pathway for the data to be transferred from the sender to the receiver.  

Every new subscriber and their cluster of networks that come along power up the ability of decentralized networks and their communication. 

Decentralized architecture for future-ready IoT Smart Homes

You can build custom solutions with COCO which allows the applications and devices on your network to connect, share resources, and seamlessly interact with each other.

COCOā€™s hybrid architecture is designed to be cloudless that relies on individual as well as congregated, cumulative computing power and storage capacity of the connected devices. Growing numbers of a growing network of apps and devices that generates more data adds power to the architecture. Peer-to-peer networks encourage scaling up with diminishing costs, and a better connected experience.